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What’s The Best Way To Deal With Or React To The Latest Bubblews News?

Thursday, June 7, 2018
Is there a proper way or best way to react or deal with the Bubblews news of not being paid? The latest Bubblews news is that if you redeemed before the 11th of November 2014, you won’t be able to get a single cent, so you can kiss that payment goodbye forever (is that fair? is that right?).
bubblews, writing sites, reviews, informational articles, site stop paying, website shut down
If you redeemed after the 11th, then you can expect to be paid but also expect to get a reduced amount; yes, you won’t be getting the full amount that you redeemed. Some have reported getting a huge amount cut from the money they were supposed to get so they only ended up with a few bucks (is that fair? is that right?).

Upset? Hurt?

Can you blame people for feeling less than enthusiastic about this awesome news which was posted on the 31st of December 2014? Understandably, many were more than a little bit upset and hurt about this Bubblews news.

What to do?

So, how can you deal with this news? What can be done about this? Many have decided to deal with this by leaving the site. I’ve seen posts of people saying they’ve started to delete their articles from Bubblews and some profiles I’ve seen only had a few more posts left. Some only had one or 2 articles listed and those are the goodbye posts.

To stay or not to stay?

Some have decided to stay on Bubblews and continue with the site though some have said that they will only stay until they reach their next payout (assuming people will still be paid; at this point, who can tell for sure?).

Is that all that you can do?

But, is that really all that can be done about this? Isn’t there anything else that we can do? Should you just hope that things will work out in the end (maybe if this was a fairy tale or a fictional story, that would work out, but, unfortunately, it isn’t)?

Is it fair for the honest Bubblews members that they’ve been lumped with all the cheaters, spammers, plagiarists and those who committed fraud and tried to manipulate the system? If you didn’t do anything wrong, why should you be punished? How is that fair?

Passive = good or bad?

Is there no other way but to simply be passive about this news or in dealing with this news? If it’s income we’re talking about, then passive is definitely a good thing, but when it comes to matters like this, is it really good to just go down without a fight or to take things lying down? What do you think?

- Image is by GraphBerry (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt
- This was previously published elsewhere

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