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How Tumblr Is Different From Other Sites Based on Its Terms and Policies?

Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Why would I even be reading Tumblr’s (social networking site and microblogging platform) terms of service, privacy policies, guidelines, rules, and other such information anyway? Sounds like such a boring chore, huh?

tumblr, social networking site, microblogging platform, terms and policies, terms of use, terms of service, privacy policy

Actually, it’s not that bad. But let’s start with the first question. Tumblr seemed interesting enough to me, so I considered starting a blog on Tumblr.

(Update: I've started several blogs on Tumblr and have even made some themes)

Of course, before I registered or signed up, I first wanted to know all about its TOS, policies, rules, etc, so I know what I’m agreeing to and what to expect and what will be happening.

I thought reading all this would be like reading most of the usual terms and policies wherein everything would be full of legal jargon and it would take a while before you can finish reading all of them.

Why? Because, not only will these stuff be horrendously long, it will also be utterly boring and you’ll definitely be needing a break every now and then (because who can read all this in one sitting, right?).

It’s different with Tumblr though, and it’s a good kind of different. Of course, it still took me a while to read all those stuff because there’s a lot, and I've other things to do and take care of.

But reading all those terms and rules didn’t really feel like a chore at all, and it wasn’t all that boring either.

- Image is by tsukkaomi (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt
- This was previously published elsewhere on Friday, December 2, 2016 at 11:37 AM

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