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How and Why Tumblr's Terms and Policies Can Make You Feel Welcome?

Monday, March 4, 2019
Okay, it’s been established (in another post anyway) - one of the things that makes Tumblr’s terms of service and privacy policy cool and likable is how it makes use of annotations to help readers understand all the legalese and legal jargon.

tumblr, microblogging platform, social networking site, terms of use, terms of service, tos, privacy policy, rules, guidelines, blogging platform

But, guess what? That’s not the only thing to like about Tumblr’s terms and policies. Another thing that makes all these stuff pretty awesome is the tone of voice that the site uses in order to explain everything to its users.

The tone of voice in the way Tumblr has written its terms, rules, guidelines, etc, comes across as quite friendly and many parts of these pages even have a humorous tilt or angle to it, all of which can make your smile or grin in amusement, at the very least.

For example, in the privacy policy page, you can find gems like:

"Should we happen to get acquired (again!) or go out of business (no way)"


"like Google Search, or the far superior Yahoo Search"

This one about Google and the others like it are extra amusing, not just because Yahoo! owns Tumblr, but also because Tumblr’s Blog Customization page includes a section on Google Analytics and how it can be used on a Tumblr blog.

In their account security page, they even recommend the Google authenticator app to be used for their 2-factor authentication feature.

Seeing things like this really makes reading all these legal stuff less of a troublesome chore. The friendly tone of voice and the humorous parts of these papers really help to prevent you from being bored to death.

And it can even make you feel welcome as this serves to paint Tumblr into a nice, friendly, and welcoming community.

Your Thoughts and Opinions

What about you? What do you think about all this? Feel free and welcome to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below.

- Image is by hayashinomura (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt
- This was previously published elsewhere on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 11:39 AM

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