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Can't Unlike A Like On Persona Paper

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
So, apparently it's not possible to unlike a like on Persona Paper. Huh. How do you feel about that? Why would you want to unlike a like that's already been given anyway?

Accidentally liking a comment on Persona Paper

I hope it's okay to like your own comment on Persona Paper because I accidentally clicked on the like button on my own comment and I just found out that I can't unlike it or get rid of it. Clicking on the button again just says that I already liked this comment, not that I meant to like said comment in the first place.
Writing Sites, Informational Articles, Persona Paper, website, like button, unlike

Wanting to edit a Persona Paper comment

Actually, I wanted to edit a comment that I had just submitted, and, at first, I ended up clicking on the reply button. I was surprised and I wondered- when I saw the textbox popup- why I was seeing a blank textbox with my comment on top.

I was like- wait, what? How am I supposed to edit my comment if I can't get to it? And then I realized, oh, wait, looks like I clicked on the reply button instead. So, I closed that box and went to click on the edit button.

Only, that's not what happened and, man, all I can say is- it really shows that I haven't been here in a while as I seem to have forgotten where the edit button was. I ended up clicking the button beside reply and was then surprised to see that I ended up liking the comment instead of being able to edit it.

Slow, unresponsive site

In fairness, the site was being slow and unresponsive again (I'd forgotten about that too) and I even had to reload/refresh the page just to get to my comment and finally get the chance to edit it. I'm not sure, but maybe I ended up clicking the like button on other people's comments too.

Delete Persona Paper comments

I can't delete my comment either - when I realized that I couldn't remove the accidental like, I thought about just deleting my comment and then submitting it again, but, unfortunately, I can't do that either :-(.

So, anyway, does anyone know if it's okay for us to accidentally like our own comments? If I remember correctly, we don't get paid for likes anyway, right? Or is that from some other site?

Here are some of the comments from this article, back when it used to be posted elsewhere:

MaeLou wrote on June 5, 2015, 10:54 AM:
"No big deal. I don't even think we keep track of who likes comments and such, and if we do, we don't pay attention to them since likes aren't paid for in comments or posts anyway."

HappyLady wrote on June 6, 2015, 8:28 AM:
"I don't think would worry too much about an accidental like. I do think the site seems slow today thought and I got something telling me to enable Java Script on the log in. Hopefully things will pick up soon."

AliCanary wrote on June 9, 2015, 12:42 PM:
"We don't get paid for Likes, so I can't imagine it would be a problem. Even if we got paid for Likes, it would be the ones on our articles, not comments, so don't worry. I understand about clicking the wrong icon--I'm sure I've hit Reply before when I wanted to hit Edit!"

Ruby3881 wrote on June 14, 2015, 4:35 PM:
"There is no pay for likes here on PP, and no way to see who liked. If I remember correctly, I think the owners can't even see who liked a post (not sure if it's the same with comments.) I can't see why it would be a problem to like your own comments, as you automatically like your own posts when they publish :-)

As for deleting comments, that might be because we get paid for the comments we post on others' content. It also tends to disrupt the flow of conversation, if a comment is removed after someone replies to it..."

- Image is by geralt (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere

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