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Writedge And Daily Two Cents: Do These Writing Sites Really Pay?

Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Writedge and Daily Two Cents are writing sites where you can write and publish articles and get the chance to earn some passive or residual income from your posts.

Edited to add: both sites have changed their payment model from pay-per-view (pay per thousand views) to rev-share (Google AdSense revenue share).
writing sites, daily two cents, writedge, google adsense, revenue share, rev share, pay-per-view, payment model, informational article
That’s awesome, of course, but do these websites pay or will you have to worry and be scared about whether you will receive the amount you earned? Will you have to chase after your payments or not?

Payments from Writedge and Daily Two Cents

You know, I honestly can’t remember right now if I already wrote about this or not. A quick glance at the articles I’ve written on both sites didn’t really show anything. I already have hundreds of articles across both websites so it’s not exactly easy to search, okay? But, really, if I haven’t written about this yet, I totally should have, and let me fix that by writing about it now.

Edited to add: Since both sites have changed their payment model and traffic and earnings have continued to get lower and lower, I've removed all my articles and published them elsewhere.

Support of Writedge and Daily Two Cents = awesome

So, for the record, yes, both Writedge and Daily Two Cents pays. With these two, you never, ever have to worry if you’ll receive the amount you rightfully earned or not because you will get it. If there is a problem, you still don’t have any reason to worry because you can easily contact Michelle or Danielle, the site admins, and they’ll help you out.

I can say this with absolute certainty because I’ve had to contact them a few times already (different issues) and they’ve always responded to me, so I never have to wait and wonder if they even got the message or if they even care enough to reply.

Surprise from Writedge and Daily Two Cents

While the news about Writedge and Daily Two Cents lowering the pay rate from $5 to $1.50 per thousand page views made me sad and while the falling traffic isn’t really all that encouraging, I still like these sites and I still like writing here. I just haven’t been around much lately because I’ve been busy with other stuff.

So, you know, I was really quite surprised when I checked my email and PayPal accounts to see that both websites have sent me payments on February 3, 2015. I’m really pleased and glad about that.

The admins even wrote a blog post about this. And they even invite those who may be having problems with their payments to contact them, which is great, to say the least. After all, there are some sites out there who refuse to pay you and where you’ll have to go through the trouble of chasing after your payments. On Writedge and Daily Two Cents, you don’t have to worry about anything so you can just not think about your payment and then be surprised when you do get it.

- Image is by 27707 (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere
- YouTube video shows the profile settings page of both aforementioned sites; this is where you can see how much money you’ve earned so far and where you can set your minimum payment threshold

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