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Have You Heard The Latest News About Bubblews?

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
What’s the latest news about Bubblews? Have you heard about it? Honestly, I’m really surprised about this news. I didn’t think this would happen.
bubblews, writing sites, reviews, informational articles, site stop paying, website shut down
Maybe I’m just being overly optimistic or idealistic. Or is this what you’d classify as simply being a dreamer? Sigh. It would be nice if this didn’t have to happen though, right?

Hearing about the Bubblews news

I first heard about the news from reading an article here on Daily Two Cents. Even then, I didn’t want to believe the news. Maybe there was a mistake or something. I know, that’s just wistful thinking and maybe even being silly because the post even included a link to the Bubblews article in question. But, yeah, guess maybe I am just being too optimistic about all this.

Official Bubblews news

So, I checked out the official Bubblews news article. It was fairly short. There it was, reality staring you in the face – according to the post, anyone who redeemed before the 11th of November 2014 will not get paid thanks to really high "manipulation and fraudulent activity". Those who redeemed after the 11th of November 2014 will get paid, but their payments will be reduced and will now be based on the new payment model they have.

What do you think?

So, what do you think about this news? What do you feel about it? Does it hurt? Is it okay to feel upset about this? Is this fair? Did you think this was going to happen? Do you feel like your hopes have been shattered? Do you feel like your dreams have been broken? I’ve seen so many posts about this and many are upset, but can you blame those who have done nothing wrong for feeling the way they feel?

- Image is by GraphBerry (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt
- This was previously published elsewhere

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