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What Happens When You Change Your Persona Paper Article Titles?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Has anyone tried this? Do you know what will happen if you decide to change the titles of your Persona Paper articles?

Well, I’ve tried this. I changed the titles of some of my Persona Paper articles in an effort to improve them and make them more interesting. I had no idea what was going to happen after changing the title of an article.

Ideally or preferably, the URL of the post should not change. It should remain the same so that any links to said article will not break and will still work. In short, only the title of the article itself should change.

writing sites, persona paper, articles, titles
So, I wasn’t exactly pleased when I noted that, changing the title of an article on Persona Paper also changed its URL to make it the same as the new title.

I thought the existing links to that article would break since the old title, which was also the old URL, was no longer available.

And I thought that you'd either have to go look for the existing links to that article and change them all to the new URLs or just not bother changing the titles of your articles to save yourself from all that work.

But when I went to check the existing links to the article whose title I’d changed, I found that they weren’t broken. The links still led to the article in question even though the title and the URL have been changed already. And that’s absolutely awesome because it means that you can change your article titles and not have to worry about any broken links.

I think the old links still work because of the number that appears before the title part of the URL. The words in the URL will change every time you change the title of your article, but that number in the URL will remain the same no matter what, so you can still get to your article on Persona Paper even by using a link that contains the old title.

- Image is by pixelcreatures (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere

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