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Why you cannot see all the comments in Writedge and Daily Two Cents?

Sunday, November 20, 2016
Did you notice the changes to the comments section of Writedge and Daily Two Cents (writing sites where you can earn some residual or passive income that used to pay per view, but have since changed their payment model, unfortunately)?

comments list, writing sites, dashboard, wordpress, writedge, daily two cents
What are these changes? What do you think of them? Do you like them? Is something wrong with them? Is there an issue with them?

When you log in to your account on either of the 2 sites, you can see the "comments" link on your dashboard.

When you click it, what used to happen was that you will get taken to the comments page where all the comments made in Writedge or Daily Two Cents (depending on where you’re logged in) are displayed.

So, it doesn’t matter whoever commented or if it’s your article or not because you can see all the comments there and read them all. If your articles have comments, you can see them there too. You can even respond to the comments on your posts there.

How the comments feature looks like now?

But, now, things have changed. Now, Daily Two Cents and Writedge have removed the ability for you to see the comments in other people’s articles. Now, when you click the comments section in your dashboard, you can only see the comments on your own articles. You can no longer see the other comments in other articles by other authors.

Reason for the change? Is this a WordPress thing?

Do you wonder why they did that and why they made this change? Or is this yet another WordPress issue / problem? Because it wasn’t like you can do anything to those comments if they’re not posted on your article anyway. You can only make changes to your own comments or those in your articles.

For example, you can edit your comment if you made a mistake or unapprove the comment on your article. If it’s not your article or comment, then you can’t do anything.

The only thing you can do is read it. So, I wonder why they had to change things. What do you think about this?

Reasons to like seeing all the comments on Writedge and Daily Two Cents

For me, I actually like seeing the entire comments list. Why? This is because I get the chance to read lots of interesting comments plus the comments page also includes the article title and link where the comment is located, so if the comment I read seemed interesting enough and if the title caught my eye, I can easily click the link to check out the post.

Thanks to this, I was able to find lots of new (and even helpful and useful) stuff to read. I like that because I’m usually working on the text post editor on the WordPress dashboard, so I don’t really get the chance to check out the Writedge or Daily Two Cents sites unless I’m previewing the post I’m working on. So, what about you? What are your thoughts on these changes?

- Image is by 27707 (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere
- YouTube video features the Writedge and Daily Two Cents WordPress dashboard where you can find the link to your comments list

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