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1 Reason to Dislike Writedge, Daily Two Cents and Po.st

Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Do you like it when your clipboard gets hijacked? I don't. Definitely don't like it. IMHO, it's so inconvenient and frustrating. It's such a hassle and waste of my time. Okay, so, what am I talking about exactly? Here's an example:
writedge, daily two cents, pos.st, writing sites, reviews, clipboard hijacker, social media sharing buttons
You see that little box with the social media buttons? Yeah, that only shows up when you highlight any part of an article or post from a site that has this feature or whatever you call it known as Po.st.

Or, to be more precise, you have to highlight a part of the text and then copy it as in right-click then choose copy or do the usual ctrl + C. That box automatically popups every time you highlight and copy text from a site that has Po.st.

And, you know what? That's actually okay with me. I mean, I'm not actively liking or disliking this feature. I can live with it. It's not that bad, really, and, sometimes, I even think it looks kinda cute/nice.

It doesn't really get in your way and it disappears as soon as you click anywhere on the article, so I can just ignore it.

What's the issue then? The issue and the real problem is what happens when you paste the text that you just copied anywhere. This is the part that hijacks your clipboard and which I really don't like. Take a look at the pics below:
po.st, clipboard hijacker, plagiarism, writedge, daily two cents, writing sites
In the above pic, I pasted the copied text on the search box of a search engine, so I can check and see if it's been plagiarized. But look what happens.

Instead of only getting the text that I wanted and that I copied, thanks to Po.st hijacking my clipboard, this new text (the one that says "read more at...") also got pasted alongside the text that I pasted.

So, now, instead of just hitting the search button or the enter key right away, I have to delete the added extra text. What a hassle and waste of time.
po.st, clipboard hijacker, writedge, daily two cents, writing sites
The above pic shows what happens when I paste the copied text on a word or text document. You can see the entirety of the extra text that Po.st automatically added to my clipboard when I copied the text from the article.

This happens regardless of where you paste the copied text. The extra text gets automatically tacked on complete with the messed up link (what's with those weird letters and numbers and stuff? Even if it's my own article, I ain't clicking on that link. Thanks, but no thanks).

Why does this have to happen? Maybe others like it, but I really don't. I mean, I don't need to be prompted to "read more" or share the link or whatever.

If I want to share an article (regardless of who wrote it or where it's located), then I will and I can get the link myself. Plus, this just adds on extra work for people who don't actually like this added text.

They have to go through the process of deleting the extra text and the worst part is they didn't even copy it in the first place. It was just automatically added on to their clipboard thanks to Po.st.

IMHO, this is not user or reader-friendly at all. But that's just my opinion. What do you think? Do you like it when your clipboard gets hijacked? Also, if anyone knows how to stop this, yes, I would definitely like to know.

I tried to search online, but couldn't really find anything except some people also talking about how they don't like it when their clipboard gets hijacked (glad I'm not the only one).

And I also found out there were other services like this Po.st and there was something about your privacy and it following you everywhere or something? Don't really know and I'm not sure I even want to find out.

P.S. By the way, I'm really glad that Persona Paper doesn't have this and I hope that it will never have this feature because I do copy my articles (not just here, but on other sites and blogs that I write on) to a word document, so I can have backup copies and I also check them for plagiarism whenever I get the time to do so.

- Pics are screenshots from an article that used to be published on Writedge. Since Writedge and Daily Two Cents changed their payment model, the post can now be found here
- This was previously published elsewhere

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