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3 Problems With Persona Paper Polls

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
For my last 2 posts on Persona Paper, I used the poll feature. I think it's great that Persona Paper has a poll feature ('cause polls are pretty fun, right? LOL), but here are some of the problems and issues that I've noticed about it.
persona paper, writing site, poll feature, reviews, informational articles
I actually already made a poll post before. It seemed like forever ago though, so I don't really remember when, but it was this poll about Bubblews (looking at the poll in question, I see that it was published on October 16, 2014. Huh. Really long time ago, then. LOL).

Even then, I noticed that there were some issues with the poll feature, so I refrained from using them. It was only a few days ago that I decided to try out this type of post again. I wanted to see how it was now and if there were any new improvements or something.

So, here are the issues with the poll feature:


  • When you make a poll, you get a textbox where you can place your introductory text
  • Unfortunately, you can't add spaces in between the paragraphs of your text
  • Even if you make sure that there are spaces in between your paragraphs before posting your poll, those spaces will disappear after you publish your post
  • So you end up with a poll post with an introductory text that's like one huge wall of nothing but text (this is especially the case if your intro text is quite long. If it's short, this shouldn't be much of a problem though it would still be nice to be able to put spaces in between our paragraphs)
  • I wonder why we can't put spaces in between paragraphs?
  • I'm not sure if using the break code <br/> will work as I haven't had the chance to try it yet though I have my doubts. Has anyone tried this? Does it work?

Removes apostrophe in the poll choices

  • You can't use words like "you're", "I'm", "don't" and other such words that require the use of apostrophes
  • So, you end up with poll choices like "youre", "Im", "dont", etc
  • I wonder why this happens?
  • It makes it seem like the writer/author/creator of the poll didn't even edit or proofread their article when the simple truth is they really wrote the words properly. It's just that when the poll was submitted, it messed things up and removed the apostrophes

No preview poll option

  • If you're writing an article on Persona Paper, you can save it as a draft and then preview the appearance of your article
  • For example, I can preview this article that I'm currently writing so I can check and make sure that it looks all right and that there are no errors, etc before publishing it
  • Unfortunately, you can't preview poll posts
  • All you can do is write your intro text, add the poll choices, give your post a title and then hit the submit button
  • You won't be able to see what your article looks like before it immediately goes live
  • This wouldn't be so bad if you can actually edit your post but you can't do that either
  • I can see/understand why we can't edit our poll posts but wouldn't it be nice if we can at least preview it before submitting so we can see if there are things that we need to fix?
  • For example, if I've been able to preview my polls before submitting them, I would have been able to correct the apostrophe mess. I could have tried to shorten my intro text too. As it is, I only found out about the mess when I saw my published post
  • By then, it was too late to change anything because you can no longer edit your post

So, what do you think about this? Do you make polls on Persona Paper? Have you noticed these things?

Here are some of the comments from this article, back when it used to be posted elsewhere:

Soonerdad3 wrote on March 15, 2015, 1:52 PM:
Yes, I made a few polls myself and I have noticed every one of the issues you included in the post, but the one I find most troubling is the fact that you cannot edit a Poll post.

FreyaYuki replied to Soonerdad3 on March 16, 2015, 11:07 AM:
I wouldn't mind not being able to edit a poll post as long as we can see a preview of what our published article will look like first before we publish it so we can correct any possible error or typo (like shortening our intro text if it's too long or making sure we don't use words that require apostrophes so it won't mess up the look of our polls).

Dawnwriter wrote on March 15, 2015, 1:59 PM:
I also dislike the fact that text in poll become one big block of text. I guess elitecodex can answer your concerns best.

FreyaYuki replied to Dawnwriter on March 16, 2015, 11:16 AM:
Yeah, I hope elitecodex can take a look at the poll post issues once he's feeling better.

Carmelanirel wrote on March 15, 2015, 2:34 PM:
Wow... I never created a poll yet, but that stinks, especially for me because as a writer, I am very particular in many the proper spaces and punctuation.

FreyaYuki replied to Carmelanirel on March 16, 2015, 11:19 AM:
I agree. I'm also particular with such things, which is why I've decided to stop making polls for now. It's too bad I can't edit the polls that I posted so I can at least try to fix the apostrophe mess.

Carmelanirel replied to FreyaYuki on March 16, 2015, 4:19 PM:
Oh I know, my first money making forum we couldn't edit anything but what was on our profile and I found that really annoying when I made typos..

FreyaYuki replied to Carmelanirel on March 17, 2015, 8:41 AM:
That is really annoying. I like being able to edit and proofread my posts. Even if we always edit before publishing our articles, sometimes, we can't catch all the mistakes so it's great to be able to go back and edit again if we notice typos. So I like how we can edit our comments and articles here. I hope Persona Paper can allow us to edit or at least preview polls before we submit them so we can correct any error.

Carmelanirel replied to FreyaYuki on March 17, 2015, 9:23 AM:
Maybe you can contact admin (sorry I can't remember the names, if you need to know, let me know and I will look them up) and inquire about changing this.

trufflehunter wrote on March 15, 2015, 9:44 PM:
Oh yes for some strange reason we can't use apostrophes for Poll text...

FreyaYuki replied to trufflehunter on March 16, 2015, 11:20 AM:
Yeah, it's really odd. I wonder why that is the case? I do hope these issues can be addressed eventually.

scheng1 wrote on March 16, 2015, 9:13 AM:
That is good suggestion. I hate to read a whole lump of words too.

FreyaYuki replied to scheng1 on March 16, 2015, 11:24 AM:
Yeah, I don't like posts that are just one big wall of text too, so I always make sure to add appropriate spaces on my articles. It's easier to read that way so people won't have to strain their eyes.

CalmGemini wrote on March 17, 2015, 10:58 AM:
I have posted some polls, and all the problems you have pointed out are relevant. Regarding the introduction, we can not write a smaller one as it should have the word count of a post. We should be allowed to edit or we must have the facility to preview our polls. Very good post.

FreyaYuki replied to CalmGemini on March 18, 2015, 11:08 AM:
Thanks. Yeah, it would be so much better if we were allowed to have spaces on the intro text so it would look nicer and if all the other poll post issues are addressed. Hopefully, the admin can look into this soon.

crowntower wrote on March 23, 2015, 8:59 AM:
That's why I never do a poll... lol! Heheheh I once had an issue about it, bestwriter told me that I did not vote on the poll that she had... but I told her I did it twice but nothing happened. I don't know what happens next, because I did it the third and fourth time nothing happened.

FreyaYuki replied to crowntower on March 24, 2015, 11:11 AM:
I've stopped doing poll posts for now. Hopefully, the issues with this feature can be sorted out soon. Looks like there are also problems with answering polls. Maybe that's why some polls only have a few votes. It's possible that the votes of those who answered the polls weren't properly recorded at all.

- Pic is a screenshot of this article from back when this was posted on another site
- This was previously published elsewhere

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