Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking site that’s pretty similar to Google Blogger and WordPress. Do you know anything about Tumblr?
What’s your opinion on this blogging platform? Do you like it, or do you dislike it? Why? Would you recommend this site to other people?
I've been looking for information about Tumblr and trying to find out more about it. It does seem quite interesting, so I've been wondering if I should try it out or not. I've been considering and deliberating on whether or not I should join the site.
From what I've heard and read about this website, it seems that Tumblr is a pretty good blogging platform and that there are many who are using this site.
It’s also apparently possible to place ads on your Tumblr blogs, and you can even include affiliate links as long as you're not spamming the site. The large community is also something to take note of.
Edited to add: yes, as long as you're not spamming, it's okay to put ads on your Tumblr blogs. You can also include affiliate links such as the ones from Amazon. And Tumblr does have a pretty large community.
So, if you had a choice, would you blog on Tumblr? It would be interesting to hear more opinions regarding this website.
Update: I've created an account on Tumblr. I now have several blogs there. I've even made several themes for Tumblr and am planning to make more.
Here are some comments about this post, back when it used to be posted elsewhere:
BarbRad wrote on August 3, 2014, 7:45 PM:
I currently have seven Tumblr blogs under two different profiles. For me it's more like Pinterest than the other sites you mentioned.
I don't see a lot of original material. It seems most of what comes through my feeds are posts reblogged from others. I reblog some again.
I think it's more of a curating site than a blogging site, but I guess you could blog there. Photos seem to do better than words. Maybe someone else could add to this.
I wish I knew which of my other friends were there. I'm following all people I don't know. I think it's hard to find followers there.
Freya Yuki replied to BarbRad on August 5, 2014, 3:44 PM:
Wow. That's a lot of blogs. The information I've been reading and seeing about Tumblr say you can post articles there and there are even some that mention SEO for Tumblr.
Yeah, I heard about reblogging, and it seems that a lot of people there are doing that. Is it really hard to find or get followers on Tumblr?
I heard the community there was vast and pretty nice or friendly, so I thought it might be nice to try to blog there so you can also socialize and get to know people who might share the same interests as you, etc. Looks like I need to do more research about Tumblr.
BarbRad replied to Freya Yuki on August 5, 2014, 9:38 PM:
It's easier to find people with common interests than it used to be. I just wish each blog could stand alone without having to be under a main account.
I opened two accounts to cover my nature and gardening blogs. The feed pretty much goes to the main blog.
Freya Yuki replied to BarbRad on August 6, 2014, 2:52 PM:
Thanks for the additional info. Yeah, I read that you can have a primary blog and several secondary ones, but that there were some limitations on what you can do with those secondary blogs.
Do you write long articles there or just short ones? Or do people just reblog and not write anything original? Is it all about images there? Or will articles also do well?
nbaquero wrote on August 5, 2014, 5:28 AM:
Freya Yuki, I have just used Tumbler to share my posts from another writing site, but beyond that, I have not really found it to be a great platform. As BarbRad says is more like Pinterest.
Freya Yuki replied to nbaquero on August 5, 2014, 3:55 PM:
Thanks for the information about Tumblr. How is sharing your articles from another site on Tumblr working out then? Can you recommend another blogging site that's similar to Tumblr then?
nbaquero replied to Freya Yuki on August 6, 2014, 3:56 AM:
Freya Yuki It's only given an extra view or two per article which is not much but helps, besides it is some sort of repository for my posts, as BarbRad indicated is more like a curating site.
I haven't explored enough to find sites similar to Tumblr, being used as blogging platforms, but I would say for a full blog you can go with Google Blogger or WordPress as you already mentioned.
Freya Yuki replied to nbaquero on August 7, 2014, 3:17 PM:
Ah, I see. But you can still write original articles there, right? You can't advertise on a free WordPress blog.
You'd have to go with the paid version to advertise, but there's no guarantee that it will be worth it, which is why it's best to go with a free blog first unless you have funds.
I've tried the free Google Blogger, but it doesn't seem to have any community at all, not for socializing or interacting anyway. I heard Tumblr was good for those things and that it has a nice community. Is that true?
It would be nice to, not just get readers for your posts, but also get the chance to interact and socialize with people like what happens in sites like this where people comment and have conversations with each other.
cmoneyspinner replied to Freya Yuki on March 31, 2015, 2:51 PM:
RE: Tumblr -
* Can you write original articles there? Yes.
* Can you advertise there? Yes.
RE: Blogger -
* Free Google Blogger doesn't seem to have any community at all …? True. But use it anyway.
Try to interface it with Google Plus, if you're on G+.
- Image is by Romain Toornier (CC:BY) from flickr
- This was previously published elsewhere on Monday, December 26, 2016 at 11:41 AM
What Can You Say About Tumblr? What Is There To Like Or Dislike About This Site?
Posted by
Freya Yuki
Saturday, March 9, 2019
7:07 PM
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