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What to Like About Tumblr’s Signup or Registration Process?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking site with a pretty easy sign up or registration process.

Blogging Platforms, Informational Articles, Microblogging Platform, Reviews, Social Networking Site, Tumblr, Tutorials, Signup Process, register, create an account, create a blog

Seriously, it’s really quite simple and easy to create an account or a blog on Tumblr. But that’s not the only thing to like about the site’s signup process.

It’s Easy to Register or Create an Account on Tumblr

Tumblr makes its account creation process easy for all its potential users by simplifying things and presenting the necessary information a few at a time. For instance, when you get to the register page, you’ll only see three textboxes that you have to fill up.

This is better than having to see everything all at once and being overwhelmed and overloaded with too much information.

Blogging Platforms, Informational Articles, Microblogging Platform, Reviews, Social Networking Site, Tumblr, Tutorials, Signup Process, register, create an account, create a blog

It’s only after you fill up the 3 textboxes (which asks for your username, password, and email address) and click on the next button that you’ll be brought to another page where you can fill out the next set of required information.

Once you’re brought to the captcha page, you’ll have to grin at seeing the next button labeled as “almost done!”. And, indeed, the sign up process is almost over as you get taken to a ‘welcome to Tumblr’ page upon clicking the aforementioned button. This page asks you to make a blog.

Don’t Feel Pressured or Stressed About Having to Make a Tumblr Blog

You get to choose from a number of colorful headers, or you can just upload a photo. You can also add an avatar as well as a blog title and description.

But before you start panicking and stressing about how you’re not prepared to make a blog yet and how you thought you were just creating an account for now, Tumblr is quick to reassure you by saying “and don’t stress about it. You can change this stuff whenever”.

And that’s absolutely utterly perfect because, of course, you’d want to change all this stuff later on especially if you haven’t made up your mind yet on what your blog is going to be about or if you haven’t fully ironed out all of your blog details yet.

So you don’t even need to fill out anything on this page. You can just click on the “make it” button right away. After that, you can decide to follow some blogs or you can head straight to your Tumblr dashboard where you can start exploring and looking around already.

You can do a number of things now, but you do need to verify your email address before you can access the rest of Tumblr’s features.

You can check out my main Tumblr blog here. I also have a Harry Potter Plotholes Archives blog, a Hetalia Axis Powers Archives blog, and an anything-goes blog called Soyuz Mir.

I've also started making themes for Tumblr. These themes are all responsive and mobile-friendly. Check out my Themes page, Themes list, Themes blog, and my Author page.

Your Thoughts and Opinions

So, what about you? What do you think about Tumblr's signup or registration process? Do you like it? Do you have any blogs on Tumblr? Feel free and welcome to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below.

Note: info mentioned on this post was true when it was written, but Tumblr’s signup or registration process are subject to change without notice, so the info presented herein may no longer apply should Tumblr decide to change their account sign-up process.

- Image with added text was modified by Freya Yuki (CC:BY-SA) based on the image by clasesdeperiodismo (CC:BY-SA) from flickr
- Second pic is by Romain Toornier (CC:BY) from flickr
- This was previously published elsewhere

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