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How To Unsubscribe From Niume Email Notifications?

Friday, December 2, 2016
Niume is a writing site (they call it a collaborative blogging platform or something like that) where you can earn a bit of money by posting pretty much anything (there are a few rules to keep in mind, of course) you want on said site.

It's a pretty fun site and you can spend quite a bit of time exploring it especially when you've just joined. You can check out interesting articles and even leave comments and/or hype (that's what they call liking posts on there) if you want to.

That's basically what I did, not realizing that, after commenting on a Niume post, the site automatically subscribed me to said post, ensuring I receive every (and I do mean every) notification every time anyone commented on said post.

Niume also subscribed me to every email notification they send their users without telling me about it. Like I said, I took my time exploring the site, but there wasn't anything there regarding email notifications.

So, imagine my surprise when I logged on to my email account and was greeted with this:
niume, writing site, collaborative blogging platform, email notifications list, subscribe
That's not even the half of it. Because Niume didn't just send me an email every time someone commented on a post I'd commented on, it also sent me messages about things like the Niumer of the week, video tutorials, newsletters, and more.

In no time at all (especially since I ended up logging on to Niume daily and reading and commenting on posts there), my email's inbox got filled with hundreds of notifications that were all from Niume.

None of the messages were welcome in the least and I ended up deleting them all without opening them. Well, except the ones that said something about my posts gathering hype and/or views.

Apart from those, the rest of the emails weren't appreciated because the Niume site itself already provides notifications.

Whenever I log on to my Niume account, I can see right away if I've got any notifications. I can check them out from there. There was no need to send me emails about something I already knew about.

The amount of emails I'd get from Niume quickly got frustrating. It was cluttering up my inbox and wasting my time since I had to select all those emails and send them straight to the trash bin.

I checked the Niume site again, hoping to find a way to unsubscribe from these emails. But I found nothing at all.

Taking a closer look at one of the emails the site sent me, I found the following words at the bottom: "This email was sent to (your email address). Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing."

You can click the word "here," and, presumably, you'll then be able to unsubscribe from the email notifications.

Initially, I'd been reluctant to click that link. Why? It's because I thought it would unsubscribe me from all the Niume emails.

Yes, most of them are basically useless, but I'd like to receive emails regarding my posts as well as important news about the site (updates to their terms and policies and other things like that).

I mean, on sites like Tumblr and Twitter, I can tweak my account settings and choose what kind of emails they should send me. I didn't have to click anything on the messages they sent.

I can change my email notification settings right from my account page while I'm logged on to said site/s.

So, I refrained from clicking the unsubscribe link until, finally, I just couldn't take it anymore. My inbox was really getting clogged as I got bombarded with what seemed to be like a million email notices all in a row.

So, I finally clicked on the unsubscribe link. Doing so brought me to this page:
niume, writing site, collaborative blogging platform, unsubscribe, email notifications, subscribe
I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that I could choose what kind of emails to receive from Niume.

But, as I had suspected, Niume had automatically subscribed me to all their emails. All the options on the email notifications list page had been checked.
niume, email notifications list, unsubscribe, subscribe, collaborative blogging platform, writing site
So, I spent some time reading through the list and unchecking most of the options before saving my preferences.
niume, email notifications list, unsubscribe, subscribe, collaborative blogging platform, writing site
Now, I've finally stopped being bombarded with numerous emails from Niume. My inbox can finally breathe again.

Some things to note about Niume's email notifications list page:

The white text over a brown background wasn't the least bit appealing to me. On the contrary, I found it a little bit too dark and kind of hard to read. Basically, I prefer the usual black text over a white background; it's just easier to read.

I'm a little sad that the post comments on your article and those on other people's articles have been lumped together.

So if I want to receive an email every time someone comments on my own post, I'll also have to agree to receive an email every time someone comments on any of the articles I've commented on.

Yeah, so not happening since it was mostly those kinds of emails that ended up clogging up my inbox. Needless to say, I've unchecked that option.

Well, at least it's not that much of a loss. After all, every time you log on to Niume, you can just check your notifications and your profile page to see if there are any new comments on your own posts.

Another thing I want to point out is how I found it strange that Niume didn't include this email notifications list page right on their site.

As mentioned, most sites let you tweak your email settings right on your account page. It's different with Niume though and I can't say it's in a good way.

It's just kind of weird, isn't it? Anyway, I'm just glad I finally got unsubscribed to all these emails. So, what about you? What do you think about all this?

- First image is a screenshot from my email account
- The rest of the images are screenshots from my Niume account

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