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Why You Automatically Like Your Newly-Submitted Persona Paper Articles?

Saturday, June 10, 2017
Has anyone else noticed this? Is this really how it works? I don’t really mind, I guess, maybe; I was just surprised since I'm not one to do this.

Okay, what in the world am I talking about? Right, yeah, let’s start from the beginning then. After I submit articles on the Persona Paper site, I noticed that there’s a blue check mark on the upper right side of the article.

When I hover my mouse on this check mark, it tells me that I’ve already liked this post. I don’t remember liking the post in question (oh, who am I kidding? Of course, I didn’t click on the like button), so the system must have automatically liked it for me.
Informational Articles, Writing Sites, Persona Paper, like, submit, post
It was surprising since I don’t use the like button on my articles . But, of course, I like those articles; I wrote them, didn’t I? I’m just not the type to click on the like button on my own articles since, well, shouldn’t that be left to the readers? Anyway, I guess I prefer to comment than to like.

Well, like I said, I don’t mind the automatic like since it’s our own article. It would be troublesome if this happened in other articles since, what if you didn’t mean to click the like button on that article, right?

Or if the article gets automatically liked before you even get the chance to read it. But I do wonder why this is the case. What do you think?

Here are some of the comments from this article, back when it used to be posted elsewhere:

Bensen32 wrote on July 27, 2014, 12:34 PM:
I have not noticed this to be honest, I will have to watch for that next time I write one. Maybe that is to prevent us from liking our own articles?

FreyaYuki replied to Bensen32 on July 27, 2014, 3:01 PM:
I think you're right; this probably happens to prevent people from liking their own posts. After submitting my latest article, I just noticed that, while the blue check mark does appear and it does say that we liked our post already, the like count actually stayed zero. So we didn't really like our post at all.

LoudMan wrote on July 27, 2014, 12:40 PM:
I've noticed it too and I'm guessing Bensen32 has it right. Of course, I don't know. Thanks for your entry.

FreyaYuki replied to LoudMan on July 27, 2014, 2:59 PM:
You're welcome. And, yeah, I think so too. Apparently, the blue check mark doesn't register your supposed like as a like. I just noticed this when I submitted my latest article. I saw the blue check mark, but the like count remained zero so I guess this is to stop people from liking their own posts, which is how it should be.

elitecodex wrote on July 27, 2014, 3:17 PM:
Yep you guys got it right. There are two states for the liking of an article... either you can like it (you see the button) or you can't like it (you see the blue check). Since you can't like your own articles you get the blue check by default. Although that is misleading, that's the reason. I should make it to where that isn't even visible if it is your own article.

Bensen32 replied to elitecodex on July 27, 2014, 4:24 PM:
Yay, I got it right :). It's okay cause sometimes I'm not to sure I like my articles anyways :) I just hope others do

FreyaYuki replied to elitecodex on July 28, 2014, 11:37 AM:
Thanks for clarifying that. I don't mind not being able to like our own articles since I don't do that anyway. Yeah, at first, when I saw the blue check mark, I thought the system automatically liked our own article for us.

But when I submitted my latest article, I realized that wasn't the case at all as the blue check mark was there, but the like count remained zero. It is a good idea to make that check mark invisible.

midastouch wrote on July 27, 2014, 5:52 PM:
that is a very good observation
it goes to show that you are following up
keep seeing between the marks!!!!

FreyaYuki replied to midastouch on July 28, 2014, 11:41 AM:
Thanks. I'm new here, so I'm still learning a lot about Persona Paper as I explore the site, notice its different features, and ask questions about how things work here.

- Image is by pixelbuddha (CC:BY) from Wikimedia Commons
- This was previously published elsewhere

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