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What Do You Think About All The New Changes To Bubblews?

Wednesday, August 8, 2018
This was originally published on Persona Paper on October 16, 2014, 4:04 AM as a poll-type article.

If you write or post articles on Bubblews, you must have heard the news about all the new changes on that site. I only heard about it recently as I haven't always been able to log on there (been busy lately, which was why I haven't been able to log in here on Persona Paper either).
persona paper, writing sites, bubblews, reviews, poll, articles, writing, changes, news, updates
What do you think or what can you say about all these new changes in Bubblews? Do you like these changes? What are your opinions and thoughts on this?

Some of the changes include:

  • Increasing the time it takes for people to get their payments - for those in the UK, USA and Canada, it can take up to 30-35 days before they can get their redemptions while everyone else (the rest of the world / international Bubblews members) will have to wait for up to 60-90 days before they can get their redemptions.
  • Removal of the views counter - people can no longer see how many views each of their posts have gotten. They also can't see how many views the articles of other people have received.
  • Changes in the Bubblews Bank Page - you can now see a history of your past redemptions. There's also a form you can submit if you are missing some redemptions. Also, apparently, you can now only redeem once every 30 days.

The following are the choices for the poll:

  • I love the new Bubblews changes. It's super special awesome.
  • I hate the new Bubblews changes. Why did they have to change things?
  • The only thing I love is being able to see a history of our past redemptions and having a form we can use in case we're missing some payments.
  • I hate not being able to redeem whenever I reach the payment threshold. Why do I have to wait?
  • I hate how we have to wait so long before we can receive our payments.
  • I want the views counter back. Why was it taken away? Give it back, pretty please.
  • Bublews is really improving and changing for the better. I love everything about it.
  • I'm neutral about this. I've no opinions to share since I neither like nor dislike any of these Bubblews changes.
  • Other. My thoughts and opinions aren't listed in this poll.
  • I love the changes to the Bubblews bank page. I don't care about the rest of the changes.
  • I don't mind waiting for my redemptions as long as they will eventually arrive, so I don't care that Bubblews increased the waiting time again. I still love this site.
  • My only problem with the changes is how I can't redeem whenever I want to. I don't care if I have to wait a long time before my payments arrive, but I want to be able to redeem every time I reach the payment threshold.
  • I have no use for the views counter, so I don't mind that it's gone. Bubblews must have a good reason for removing this.
  • I think everyone should have the same waiting time for redemptions regardless of where they're currently located.
  • I love how Bubblews is really doing their best to address the redemption concerns and issues and how they're all working hard to pay all the non-rule breakers.
  • There is no problem at all. These changes are awesome. I now spend even more time on Bubblews thanks to the new site improvements.
  • I don't like having to type a captcha every time I want to submit a relevant and non-spammy comment.
  • I love how Bubblews is trying to thwart the spammers and rule-breakers by adding the comment captcha feature.

Here are some of the comments from this article, back when it used to be posted elsewhere:

BarbRad wrote on October 17, 2014, 1:17 PM:
I think I voted too soon. I only saw the answers in the top screen. What I hate most is how they don't tell us what they will do before they do it. When we complained about not being able to fix our truncated posts the update messed up, they gave us no hope that we'd be able to fix them or that they would restore what is lost.

Some of us fixed as many as possible before they cut off being able to edit old post so they would make sense again. Now I hear that they added back all the text they took out, even duplicating anything we might have done to fix them, so that once again, they know better than we do how our posts should look. They just can't see that we know best how to care for our work, but now they think they've addressed the issue when they really haven't.

- This was previously published on Persona Paper on October 16, 2014, 4:04 AM
- Pic is a screenshot from my Persona Paper account

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