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4 Things To Like About The Registration Process And Form On Persona Paper

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
When I clicked on the register link on the Persona Paper website, I was pleasantly surprised to see the registration form. The right side of the page includes a textbox along with instructions on writing an article before you can be accepted to write for this site.

This can really help to weed out all the spammers and the plagiarists and even those who can't read and follow directions because the instructions tell you what you should write about (you have to say something about your occupation, hobby and favorite food or drink) and how many characters your post should be.

persona paper, writing website, registration process, signup form
This might seem like a daunting task to some, but you shouldn't let this deter you from signing up to the site, if you’re really interested, because the introductory article you need to write is really, really easy.

You only need a minimum of 500 characters and you don’t even need to research because the post you're writing is about you.

All you really need to do is introduce yourself and say a few things about your hobbies, interests, etc. What's so hard about that? But that deters those who just want to post spam or those who just plagiarize or copy-paste articles.

Another thing that I like about the Persona Paper registration form is what is on the left side of the page. This is where you input information like your username, password and email address.

I like the short description under each of these text boxes because it helps to clarify things, so those who are registering will know how many characters their username should have, if they’re allowed to use symbols, etc.

Aside from that, we’re even told exactly what these things are for and why the website needs the information. For example, we need to type in a captcha to 'discourage automated signups' and to prove that we’re human.

Lastly, I don’t know if it’s just me, but I especially liked the description for the 'confirm email' part. It says, 'so important we want to make sure you did not mistype it the first time.' This one just made me grin in amusement. What about you? What do you think about the signup form on Persona Paper?

- Image is by WDnet (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere

Why And How Persona Paper Makes You Feel Welcome?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
I just recently joined Persona Paper, so I’m very new here, but, already, there's this feeling of being welcomed.

Right after clicking the register button, I was led to a page that gave me a very warm welcome. In big lettering and font, I could clearly see the words 'welcome to our community FreyaYuki!' There was more text at the bottom along the lines of thanking me for joining Persona Paper and how I should confirm my email address to get started.

persona paper, writing website
Needless to say, I did feel welcome. Sure, maybe that page is something all the new users see when they join the site, but I still like it anyway.

It’s better than not seeing anything at all and just having to check your email without being reminded to do so.

When I logged on for the first time, I saw that someone was already following me, which was surprising, but nice and added to that welcoming feeling.

Later on, I saw that my introduction post (the one I wrote as part of my registration form ) had already been posted. It had received very few views and likes. But it did get a comment and that was very nice. I especially appreciated the one comment I got because it welcomed me to the site.

Oh, and when I checked my email, I saw that I had gotten one from Persona Paper. This is different from the confirmation email. This one was welcoming me to the site. Well, it said more than that, but, yeah, you get the point.

So far, I am really liking Persona Paper. It's easy to post articles and everyone here seems very friendly, at least the ones I've encountered so far. There are a number of really nice features here like the notifications list, which is very detailed and organized.

The site admin here are very friendly and they're quick to answer any questions that we might have. They also take the time to inform the members here about any possible changes or updates to the site, so we know what's going on, which is great.

- Image is by FirmBee (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere

What To Like About The Persona Paper Notifications List?

Thursday, September 15, 2016
The better question might be what’s not to like about it because, seriously, the notifications list here on Persona Paper is really awesome and cool. Did I mention I love the way the notifications are so detailed and organized because I totally do?

persona paper, writing website
On the left side of the notifications page, I can see the Recent Activity. I love how the titles of all the articles are actually being listed and shown, so I'm not left guessing which article was commented on or which article got a response to my comment.

Right away, I can see exactly which article the notice list is referring to. And I can just click on the links to be brought to the articles in question.

On the right side of the notifications page, I see the categories under the Activity Breakdown heading. I can see if I have New Followers, New Posts, New Polls, Comment Responses, Post Comments, Profile Comments, and Tagged. I can even click on Show All if I wanna see them all. Seriously, how cool is that?

I especially like how I actually get notified if I get a reply to a comment that I posted on an article. I really like that because, so far, I’ve been asking a lot of questions in my comments since I'm new here and still have a lot to learn.

I've only got a few notifications at the moment, so it’s very easy to manage them, but now I'm wondering if there's a maximum to the number of notices that we can get?

- Image is by FirmBee (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere

What Happens When You Change Your Persona Paper Article Titles?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Has anyone tried this? Do you know what will happen if you decide to change the titles of your Persona Paper articles?

Well, I’ve tried this. I changed the titles of some of my Persona Paper articles in an effort to improve them and make them more interesting. I had no idea what was going to happen after changing the title of an article.

Ideally or preferably, the URL of the post should not change. It should remain the same so that any links to said article will not break and will still work. In short, only the title of the article itself should change.

writing sites, persona paper, articles, titles
So, I wasn’t exactly pleased when I noted that, changing the title of an article on Persona Paper also changed its URL to make it the same as the new title.

I thought the existing links to that article would break since the old title, which was also the old URL, was no longer available.

And I thought that you'd either have to go look for the existing links to that article and change them all to the new URLs or just not bother changing the titles of your articles to save yourself from all that work.

But when I went to check the existing links to the article whose title I’d changed, I found that they weren’t broken. The links still led to the article in question even though the title and the URL have been changed already. And that’s absolutely awesome because it means that you can change your article titles and not have to worry about any broken links.

I think the old links still work because of the number that appears before the title part of the URL. The words in the URL will change every time you change the title of your article, but that number in the URL will remain the same no matter what, so you can still get to your article on Persona Paper even by using a link that contains the old title.

- Image is by pixelcreatures (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere