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Who Likes The Persona Paper Statue Of Liberty Ad And Auto-Play Movie Advertisements?

Monday, October 3, 2016
Okay, who else is seeing this Statue of Liberty advertisement here on Persona Paper? You know, that ad where you see the Statue of Liberty moving and then- something. Eh, I honestly don't know because I always scroll down or refresh the page to avoid seeing this ad.

I mean, it has nothing to do with the Statue of Liberty per se. Look at the pic of it. Nice, right? So, it's not that at all. I just don't like moving ads. Okay, that's a lie. I don't just dislike moving ads. I hate them. On that note, I hate those movie ads that automatically play as well :-(.

writing sites, persona paper, statue of liberty, ads, auto-play movie advertisements
They're so annoying, no? One reason is lack of choice. Shouldn't we get to decide if we want to play the video or movie or not?

If I want to watch the Statue of Liberty or some other video or ad or whatever, then I'll click on the play button myself.

But I don't want the ad thinking it knows what's best and automatically playing itself. It's so annoying and frustrating.

Small consolation - at least, there's no sounds even if the movie auto-plays. I still don't like it though just like I hate those annoying popup ads . What about you? What do you think about this? What kinds of ads do you hate or dislike?

(LOL?) Quote about the Statue of Liberty: "You Frenchies love to hate America. Why not go back to making us hot green chick statues like you used to?" Said by the United States of America to France from the Hetalia Axis Powers anime and manga series by Hidekaz Himaruya.

On a side note: just tried using the Pixabay feature of the image wizard for this post and it's working just fine. Look, I found this pic of the Statue of Liberty using this feature. Nice, right? :-)

- Image is by stinne24 (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere

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