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Why Does The Frown Look So Cute On Persona Paper?

Sunday, October 9, 2016
Actually, 'cute' might not begin to cover it, but it's a start. In Japanese or for anime fans, one might say, "kawaii (which, predictably enough, means 'cute')!" Okay, so what exactly am I talking about? And why would a frown ever be considered 'cute'?

persona paper, frown, sad emoticon, writing sites, kawaii
I'm talking about the sad or frowning emoticon :-(. Just look at it and tell me that doesn't look cute. It's cute, isn't it? It's so cute. Here, look at it again :-(.

Why is it so cute? I actually find it cuter than the smiley emoticon :-). It makes me want to keep using the frowning face emoticon even though it certainly wouldn't be appropriate (unless we're talking about posts about a certain site-that-shall-not-be-named (you know what I mean, don't you? No? Okay, I mean Bubblews).

Huh, maybe I should go check out more sad posts here on Persona Paper so I can use the sad emoticon a lot more often. Haha. Or maybe the smiley just needs to be cuter. Anyway, am I the only one who think this emoticon :-( is so super cute? Kawaii!!

- Image is by Tkgd2007 (Public Domain) from Wikimedia Commons
- This was previously published elsewhere

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