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How To Make Smileys On Persona Paper?

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Did you know about this? I didn't. I was very surprised to find out so I thought I'd share in case there were others who didn't know about this too.
persona paper, writing website, site, tutorial, smiley, frown, sad, emoticon
What am I talking about? I'm talking about smileys or emoticons (though I guess anyone could have figured that out by now based on the title :-)). Did you see that? I just added a smiley in the last sentence and it actually worked!

Before, my smileys didn't work on Persona Paper. They just look like this :) and it won't turn into the real smiley. I had no idea what I was doing wrong.

I mean, doesn't this :) look like a smiley? That's always how I've done it, and, as far as I know, it always used to work (or maybe it really didn't? Who knows?).

Anyway, I didn't know how to get the :) to turn into a real smiley, so I just left it like that. But then I saw this post (http://www.personapaper.com/article/18621-can-you-answer-some-user-questions-please-) here on Persona Paper that was asking about the smiley thing too.

Reading the comments on that post, I saw the answers and learned what to do in order to make the smiley work.

I learned two methods. The first is this ":-)" (added the quotation marks, so this one won't turn into a real smiley) The dash - is what I've been missing. I only used :) without the - so that's why it didn't work. But if you add the dash, then it will work - like this :-).

I also learned that the frown works the same way. Before, I used :( but you're actually supposed to add the dash too, so it should look like this ":-(".

The second method is actually using the word smile, like this ":smile:". However, it doesn't work with the frown. At least, putting ":frown:" doesn't do anything. Maybe it's supposed to be another word?

Here are some of the comments from this article, back when it used to be posted elsewhere:

grandma20121 wrote on January 13, 2015, 1:06 PM:
"Hmm this is a really good thing to know but i am not so sure i have it down right yet, let me see you said to put it like this "smile" and it should show a smiley face?

"I hope this is right , it is something I have been trying to figure out too, also is there actually a spot on Persona Paper where you can get to the emotions icon?"

FreyaYuki replied to grandma20121 on January 14, 2015, 7:55 AM:
"You will need the colon (:) first : Then, you will need the dash (-) Lastly, you will need the parenthesis ( - this one for the frown and this one ) for the smile. So, it will look like this ":-)" and ":-("

"But don't add the quotation marks, it's just for illustration purposes. It should look like this :-) :-(. As far as I know, you will need to input the emoticon yourself depending on what you want (for example, the smiley or the sad face)."

LadyDuck wrote on June 20, 2015, 1:08 PM:
"I am glad you wrote this post, I was trying to find out how emoticons work in Persona Paper and searching with Google I found your post, thank you :-)"

Porcospino wrote on January 7, 2015, 6:24 PM:
"Outside Persona Paper I write a happy smiley this way: ":-)" I did the same thing on Persona Paper and the smiley showed up. I also used ";-)" and that turned into a smiley as well.

"There are other smileys but I don't remember how to use them so I just use :-) and ;-) (and frown which I just learned from your post)"

FreyaYuki replied to Porcospino on January 8, 2015, 12:23 PM:
"Outside Persona Paper, I write the smiley like this :) and the frown like this :( but it doesn't work here. I was missing the dash so to make a smiley and a frown emoticon here, it had to be like this :-) :-("

- Image is by OpenClipart-Vectors (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere

Happy Surprise At Persona Paper

Wednesday, January 25, 2017
So, it's been a while since I last logged on to Persona Paper - okay, wait, that's a lie :-). To clarify, the 3rd of January 2015 was when I last logged on to this site, so that's like a day ago from now.
persona paper, writing site
But, before that, my last login was December 2014 (based on the date of the post I wrote before the latest ones I'd just posted), so, it has been a while.

Actually, I meant to write about this surprising news I found yesterday (on the 3rd, when I logged in again after some time), but, I don't know - I think I might have gotten distracted with all the new and interesting posts I found here :-). That, and I guess I just didn't have time anymore :-).

Anyway, here's the surprising news that I heard about - when I logged on to Persona Paper on January, I was surprised to find out about the changes, namely that the exchange rate has gone up and so has the minimum payout threshold. Are there other changes here that I should know about?

I'm happy to hear about the increase in the exchange rate :-). The increase in the Persona Paper minimum payout threshold from $5 to $20 is kind of high, but it's not that bad.

It might just take longer to get there, not that I was anywhere near the initial $5 payout anyway, but still.

Update: Unfortunately, Persona Paper has stopped paying its writers, so it doesn't matter anymore how many coins you have in your bank page there. It's no longer worth anything. The increase in the minimum payment threshold really wasn't that bad at all... if only they'd continued paying :-(.

Here are some of the comments from this article, back when it used to be posted elsewhere:

RegieEstioco wrote on January 4, 2015, 1:29 AM:
"As I have mentioned in one of my articles, Persona fulfilled its promise approximately 10 minutes before the 12 midnight of December 31.

"It increased the bank exchange rate and minimum cash out threshold. So far, those are the changes made this New Year."

FreyaYuki replied to RegieEstioco on January 6, 2015, 11:41 AM:
"I didn't know about the exact time when these changes were made. Thanks for the info. The increase in exchange rate is a good surprise for the new year."

LadyDuck wrote on January 4, 2015, 2:34 AM:
"They announced a rate increase just before midnight, a great New Year gift... others gave bad news at the same time."

FreyaYuki replied to LadyDuck on January 6, 2015, 11:48 AM:
"This is a nice surprise for the new year and something I definitely wouldn't mind hearing about on new year's eve. It's too bad some other sites tried to ruin the new year for so many people."

peachpurple wrote on January 4, 2015, 4:01 AM:
"i am still new here, all i know is $20 is the min payout which will take me 6 months to reach that figure"

MaeLou replied to peachpurple on January 4, 2015, 11:50 AM:
"It shouldn't if you continue to post and comment and our numbers keep increasing like they are now."

FreyaYuki replied to peachpurple on January 6, 2015, 11:55 AM:
"Yeah, it might take time to reach the minimum payout threshold but at leas the exchange rate has gone up.

"Hopefully, as more people join the site and interact, the activity will increase and people can reach payout faster."

BarbRad wrote on January 4, 2015, 4:37 AM:
"Compared to other sites I could but won't mention, $20 is very reasonable. I have to wait for $50 at most other sites."

FreyaYuki replied to BarbRad on January 6, 2015, 12:01 PM:
"Yeah, $20 is a reasonable number. And it might be a bit easier to reach the payment threshold since the exchange rate has gone up."

- Image is by FirmBee (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere

Happy News On Persona Paper

Thursday, January 19, 2017
Whoah, this is really great, isn't it? Almost, practically, can't believe it, but it actually happened, which is totally awesome.
persona paper, writing site
Okay, okay, what am I talking about? Well, I'm talking about my Persona Paper bank page. Currently, it says I have 1368 coins. Guess what? That's apparently equivalent to $2.05!

Update: Unfortunately, I never got to see this money.

This is thanks to the increase in the exchange rate, which is good, of course. But, I guess that's kind of really far away from the current minimum payment threshold, which is $20. But this is inspiring and encouraging, isn't it?

Update: Unfortunately, I never even got to reach the minimum payment threshold before Persona Paper stopped paying its writers. So much for inspiring and encouraging, huh? Sigh.

It's good to see the bank page numbers actually moving (unlike in some other sites (I think you all know which one I mean) where the bank is barely (assuming it's even moving in the first place) moving).

But, now I wonder how many coins one needs to have before they can reach the minimum payout threshold?

Update: It doesn't matter anymore how many coins you have. You could have thousands and it wouldn't mean a single thing because it's worthless now.

Here are some of the comments from this article, back when it used to be posted elsewhere:

arthurchappell wrote on January 7, 2015, 11:17 AM:
"great that the exchange rate is changing and well done - as writing stats rise so will the pace of our earnings"

FreyaYuki replied to arthurchappell on January 7, 2015, 12:57 PM:
"Yeah, I'm happy about the increase in exchange rate too though with the increase in the minimum payout threshold, it might take a while before some can reach it."

inkedwriter wrote on January 7, 2015, 11:32 AM:
"My bank page is moving slowly, but it's all progress towards that cashout"

FreyaYuki replied to inkedwriter on January 7, 2015, 1:01 PM:
"Yeah, mine is moving kind of slowly too (it's not as bad as in that other site though where it's barely even moving)."

Brenda wrote on January 7, 2015, 12:09 PM:
"It is very good news for us all. I hope it keeps going up. But for now it is better then the alternative."

FreyaYuki replied to Brenda on January 7, 2015, 1:21 PM:
"Yeah, I also hope it would continue to go up for us here. And definitely agree. It's better than that other site where the bank page is barely moving."

peachpurple wrote on January 7, 2015, 12:48 PM:
"yes, the exchange rate gives positive look on this site, but i will have to wait until july before i can cash out"

FreyaYuki replied to peachpurple on January 7, 2015, 1:30 PM:
"It does seem like it would take a while before we can reach the payment threshold. I heard we need about 13,000+ coins to do so. Seems like it would be quite a while before that can happen."

Update: Unfortunately, Persona Paper is no longer a paying writing site. So, sadly, a lot of people there never even reached the minimum payment threshold and so never got to cash out :-(.

- Image is by FirmBee (Public Domain) from Pixabay
- This was previously published elsewhere

How To Comment On Daily Two Cents And Writedge If You’re Having Problems?

Friday, January 13, 2017
Are you having problems commenting on articles on Daily Two Cents and Writedge (online writing sites where you can earn some residual or passive income by posting articles that used to pay per view,  but have since changed their payment model, unfortunately)?

What’s going on? Why is this happening? And what can you do to get around this issue?
daily two cents, writedge, writing sites, comments, tutorial, problems

Not seeing comments on Writedge and Daily Two Cents?

Are you unable to see comments on Writedge and Daily Two Cents articles that aren’t yours (meaning, that you didn’t write) when you’re logged on to either site? If so, don’t panic.

This is a known issue and the site admin are already working on fixing it. This happens on both sites and the issue is described more thoroughly here. You can also check out the site forums for more information.

Work-around to the commenting problem

Here’s how you can comment on Daily Two Cents and Writedge articles until the issue is fixed:

  1. First, open the article that you want to comment on, but make sure that you’re logged out of the site where it’s located. Since you’re logged out, you can see all the comments (if there are any) on that post.
  2. Scroll down to the comments section or click on the “reply” link if you want to reply to a comment. Type whatever you want to say.
  3. Instead of submitting your comment right away, open a new tab in your internet browser. Access the site where the article you’re commenting on is posted. Log in on that tab.
  4. As soon as you’re logged in, go back to the tab where your message is. You can now post it and it will get submitted with your Daily Two Cents or Writedge profile info since you’re already logged on to the site.
    writedge, daily two cents, comment problems, writing sites
    When the page refreshes, you won’t be able to see anything on the comments section anymore since you’re already logged in.

    But, if you log out and check that article again, you should be able to see your message listed alongside the other comments.

    - First image is by JuralMin (Public Domain) from Pixabay
    - Second image is a screenshot of what I see on an article I commented on when I’m logged in to Daily Two Cents. When I’m logged out, I can see all the comments on that post, including mine. The same thing happens on Writedge
    - This was previously published elsewhere

    Can’t See Or Reply To Comments Posted On Daily Two Cents

    Saturday, January 7, 2017
    I’m not sure what’s going on, but, when I comment on other people’s articles on Daily Two Cents (writing site that used to pay per view, but have since changed their payment model, unfortunately where you can earn some passive or residual income by posting articles), the comment doesn’t show up on the article.
    daily two cents, writing site, comment problem
    I thought maybe it might just take a while to show up, so I gave it some time. When I checked the article in question (without being logged in) later on, I saw that my comment was there and there were even replies to it. There were other comments too.

    I then logged on to Daily Two Cents to respond to the comments, but, when I checked that article again, I couldn’t see any comments, including mine.

    But the text below the comment box says that I’m subscribed to the article, so I know I really commented on that article since I check the subscribe box every time I leave a comment so I can check back if there’s a reply.

    Have you experienced this? Why is this happening? I wanted to be able to reply to the comments but can’t do so if I can’t even see the comments.

    The strange thing is that this is only happening to articles written by others. When I get comments on my posts, I usually use the comments link on the Daily Two Cents WordPress dashboard to reply to those comments.

    When I check the posts, I do see all the comments including my replies, so I don’t know why it’s not the same for the other articles I comment on.

    Now, I’ve to log out just to comment then log back in to post articles on Daily Two Cents and respond to the comments on my posts.

    Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Any idea what’s going on or how to fix this problem?

    Edited to add: I asked about this in the forums. It seems that there’s some sort of bug for those who are using the Google Chrome internet browser. They’re still trying to figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it.

    Temporary work-around: Log out to see the comments on the article then log in on another page. Type your comment on the article and click submit.

    When the page refreshes, you won’t see your comment or anyone else’s anymore since you’re already logged in, but if you log out to check, your comment should have been successfully submitted.

    - Image is a screenshot of what I see on an article I commented on when I’m logged in to Daily Two Cents. When I’m logged out, I can see all the comments on that post, including mine
    - This was previously published elsewhere

    When Did It Become Such A Hassle To Post A Comment On Writedge?

    Sunday, January 1, 2017
    I just read the post on the Writedge blog. It contains 3 polls. The first one was on whether or not the theme of both Writedge and Daily Two Cents (writing sites that used to pay per view, but have since changed their payment model, unfortunately) should be changed.

    The second was on whether or not the hashcore plugin should be removed and the third was on whether or not the WP Keyword Suggest plugin should be removed.

    After reading the blog post, I decided to leave a comment. I spent some time typing my comment (yeah, it’s kind of long, but I’ll talk about that in another post).

    Afterward, I clicked on the post comment button. Before, what used to happen was that the page would load and then your comment would be posted and you can see it right away.

    Now, this is what happened. Look at the pic below:
    writege, writing site, blog, comment problems
    I was brought to this page when I tried to submit my comment on the Writedge blog. I wouldn’t have minded this so much if I could actually see the captcha. But if you can’t see anything, then what are you supposed to type?

    And, yes, I did try to refresh the page. Several times, in fact. I kept getting the same thing before I finally got a captcha.

    So, I typed the captcha and then pressed the enter key on my keyboard (I wonder why there is no submit button though?). This is what happened:
    writedge, writing site, blog, captcha, comment problem, posts
    Which was completely and totally ridiculous, because, of course, the captcha values matched. The captcha that I got was easy to read.

    I didn’t have any trouble deciphering or understanding it, so I typed it perfectly and yet it still gave me this annoying error.

    Yes, I did try again. I thought it might be because I used all lowercase letters even though some of the letters in the captcha were uppercase, so, this time, I typed the letters exactly as I saw them.

    I still got this error though. And, did you notice the missing “t” in the “does no match”? LOL. What’s up with that?

    Anyway, I was getting really frustrated and annoyed, but I tried again. I tried a few more times before giving up.

    Seriously, this is such a hassle and so inconvenient. I wonder if this is the reason why there are currently no comments on this blog post.

    I mean, who would bother commenting if they have to deal with this, right? I really hope this doesn’t happen if you try to comment on a Writedge or Daily Two Cents article.

    And I hope this gets fixed as soon as possible. What about you? Have you experienced this error or problem?

    - Pics are screenshots that I took of what happened when I tried to leave a comment on the latest post on the Writedge blog
    - This was previously published elsewhere